

October 2017
Welcome to another edition of the E-Learning Update.

In this month's issue, you can learn about . . .

E-Learning Fellows Program

Each year, a cohort of 12 faculty members learn how to create and deliver high-quality online or blended courses in the E-Learning Fellows Program (ELF). Throughout the face-to-face and online sessions, the program participants are introduced to ways that online courses can be structured, delivered, and evaluated to meet the needs of the ever growing number of online students. The program culminates with each participant developing a complete online or hybrid course that meets uniform, high-quality standards.

Watch the video below for more information, as well as ELF graduates' testimonials about their experiences.
Thumbnail of Paul Dagnall in the E-Learning Lab.
Complete the application form below by November 10th, 2017 if you have spoken with your department chair about participating in the program and you are available from 3:00 - 5:00 on Wednesday afternoons during the spring 2018 semester.
Apply for the E-Learning Fellows Program

Instructional Design Tip

Designing a High Quality Online Course
If you are unable to apply for the E-Learning Fellows program, but would still like to learn how to design a high quality online course, fear not. Not only are E-Learning staff happy to meet with you one-on-one to help you design an online course, but the tips below can help you get started off on the right foot.
4 expert strategies for designing an online course. First, involve the learner with activities that have real-world relevance, such as case studies. Increase social presence with frequent updates and video announcements. Second: Implement roles for team assignments to ensure high quality outpus are delivered on time. Third: Design a clear and consistent structure that breaks learning activites and materials into thematic chunks. Each module should have an overview and a list of tasks, assignments, and due dates. Fourth: Make notes about your experiences teaching the class throughout its duraction. Make revisions as soon as possible once the class has finished.
Read more about these tips in the Inside Higher Ed article, "4 Expert Strategies for Designing an Online Course".

What's New?

Usually we use this space to tell you about the latest and greatest features we have built into Isidore. Over the past month, we have spent time developing the first tool for an up-and-coming Learning Apps Store that will eventually be integrated into the Lessons tool.

Stay tuned for more information about this exciting feature in an upcoming newsletter. For now, we are sharing with you two new upcoming training sessions. We'd love to have you attend!
Isidore - Tell Us What You Really Think . . .
Tuesday, October 24th at 3:00 PM
A free-flowing, loosely structured session where you can talk about anything related to Isidore. Bring your random questions, feature suggestions, improvement ideas, or even complaints, and just have a conversation about Isidore facilitated by E-Learning staff. We want to hear your feedback! Register here.
How Your Students Wished You Used Isidore
Friday, November 3rd at 11:00 am
Have you ever wondered what students think of your Isidore course sites? During the session, E-Learning staff will share some of the findings from their student think tanks and surveys. Participants will learn how students prefer their Isidore courses to be structured as well as guidance on how best to interact with them online. Register here.

Did You Know . . . ?

Write Place Digital Drop-Off (DDO)
Most students know about the Write Place in the Knowledge Hub on the first floor of Roesch Library, but they might not know that the Write Place also offers online services via the Digital Drop-Off tool in Isidore. Students may submit their assignments electronically to the Digital Drop-Off tool, and within 48 hours, a Write Place consultant will spend 30 minutes reviewing their document. Tell your students to look for this convenient service in the Write Place tool on the homepage of Isidore!
Screenshot of Isidore indicating how to access DDO. First, go to the Isidore Homepage. Then, click on the Write Place tool in the tool menu. Then click on the Drop Off a Document button to submit an assignment.

Training Opportunities

Below is a list of our upcoming training opportunities, facilitated by the Office of E-Learning. All sessions will be held in the Ryan C. Harris Learning Teaching Center (LTC).

Isidore - Tell Us What You Really Think . . .

Tusday, 10/24
3:00 - 4:00 pm

Microsoft Excel: Working with Data and Charts

Thursday, 10/26
2:00 - 3:00 pm

The Power of PowerPoint

Wednesday, 11/1
11:00 - 12:00 pm

How Your Students Wished You Used Isidore

Friday, 11/3
11:00 - 12:00 pm

Advanced Prezi

Tuesday, 11/7
10:00 - 11:15 am

Using Lessons: A Dynamic Way to Create Online Modules

Thursday, 11/16
10:00 - 11:00 am

Google Mail and Calendar

Friday, 11/17
10:00 - 11:00 am

Google Drive/Apps

Monday, 11/20
2:00 - 3:00 pm


Until Next Time . . .

Let us know any feedback or questions by contacting us at or (937) 229-5039.
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