A Better Way to Build Lessons


We've heard from many of you that building out content in the Lessons tool was too time-consuming and complex. We have developed a new feature called Lessons Layouts that allows you to customize your content sections with different styles including borders, background colors, and header colors.


Screenshot of content in the Lessons tool in the old format with no colors in the section titles or background

Screenshot of content in the Lessons tool with colors in the section header and background color












How do I get started?

To use this feature, simply navigate to your Lessons tool and click on "Add Layout. Then you can select a color theme and layout. See the animated image below for a demonstration.



GIF showing how to click the Add Layout button in Lessons. Also demonstrates adding a section title, choosing a layout and color scheme, and adding it to Lessons.



To add color themes to your existing content, locate the settings cog icon for sections on your Lessons page, click on it, and select a "Column & Heading Color Scheme".


Animated GIF demonstrating how to click on the cog icon and change the color of the section