Isidore Checklist: Starting a New Semester
It's that time again. As the spring semester approaches and you begin to prepare for the next semester we've created a checklist to help you walk through the important pieces to check/have in place when creating your new Isidore sites.
Click the links below to learn more about each item...
Please contact the E-Learning Lab at or (937) 229-5039 with any problems or questions.
Create Your Sites
If you have content you want to re-use from a previous semester, you can create your Isidore site for this semester by copying it forward from a previous term.
View Site Creation Instructions
If you do not want to duplicate the entire site but still want some items, you may Import the content of specific tools (e.g. Assignments, Resources, etc.). In your new site go to Site Info - Import From Site.
If the semester has already begun, don't forget to publish your site.
Is your official roster in your site? Can you see your list of students in Site Info or the Roster tool?
Post your Syllabus
Students overwhelmingly prefer accessing the the class syllabus when it is copied & pasted into Isidore, rather than posted as an attachment.
Double check all information in the syllabus, and ensure it is current.
Add important course dates to your syllabus or to the Calendar tool.
View syllabus help
Republish your Assignments (if applicable)
Always be sure your Assignments have the correct Open and Due Dates.
If you duplicated or imported your Assignments they will be in Draft status and will need to be Edited and Posted. Again ensure your Open and Due Dates are correct for this semester.
View video on how to create and post assignments.
Republish Tests/Quizzes (if applicable)
Always be sure your Tests & Quizzes have the correct Open and Due Dates.
If you duplicated or imported your Tests/Quizzes they will be Working Copies and will need to be Published. Again ensure your Open and Due Dates are correct for this semester.
View instructions for creating assessments
View instructions for publishing assessments
Add Important Course Dates to the Calendar Tool
Students appreciate seeing the important course dates in the Calendar Tool. These can be added very easily using the Add button.
View the calendar instructions
Add a Welcome Message to Your Course Overview Page
Your Isidore Overview Page often is the first impression your students have of you and your course. Make it count! Welcome them to your course.
Provide a content-related or fun picture to add life to the page.
View instructions for managing your Overview tool
Send a Welcome Message to Your Students
Communication is key. Students will benefit from hearing from you before the first day of class. This is your opportunity to say "hi" and give them some tips to help them start on the right foot.
You can email your section's roster using your UD gmail account.
Update Groups (if applicable)
Isidore allows you to put your students into groups or teams. If you would like your students organized like this, the beginning of the semester is the best time. Go to the Site Info tool and click Manage Groups to set this up.
Once students are organized into groups you can give each group separate assessments, different forum topics, and restrict access so only certain groups can see certain content.
Get Your Gradebook in Order
Setting up your entire gradebook before the term begins, will help your students understand exactly how they will be assessed.
Using your Syllabus as the guide for creating your gradebook makes the task easier and ensures consistency!
Consider using Categories and Weighting.
Add all the gradebook items.
Use the appropriate Grade Scale for your course.
Check Your Content
Do you have all the files your students will need in Resources or Lessons?
You can put yourself in your students' shoes by using View Site As: Student feature. Click around like a real student would. Is everything correct? Can students access what they need?
Re-Linking Items in Lessons (if applicable)
When you duplicate or import content from the Lessons tool, links from Lessons to other tools (Assignments, Test & Quizzes, Forums) will need to be updated.
Content that needs to be re-linked will have a grayish color for the item title followed by a message directing you to click Edit and "Change" to update it to the content in your current site.